Oct 20 2019
There is no doubt that Brexit has been one of the most significant events in UK politics in recent years, one that has, unsurprisingly, drawn both national and international attention. Writing this article on Friday 18 October, the media continues to report that there will be a special sitting of Parliament tomorrow, Saturday 19 October, and that Brexit negotiations will continue. The scheduled leave date is currently in less than two weeks, on 31 October 2019.

When the vote to leave the EU took place in June 2016, I expect that few of us would have predicted the events of the last three years. Throughout the period, our academics' research and commentary has provided informed insight and analysis.

Professor Chris Grey has appeared extensively in the UK and overseas media commenting on Brexit, especially in relation to the effects on business and international trade, and writes a popular and critically acclaimed Brexit blog. Dr Nicholas Allen has published work around post-referendum British politics, and Professor Chris Hanretty has shown how we voted in each Westminster constituency. These are just a few examples of our academics who have contributed to the discussions on Brexit so far. As events unfold, I expect many more of our academics will be contributing to the debate and discussion.

While there is political uncertainty, we as a College remain certain of the principles that we value and how important it is that we remain a diverse, international and multi-cultural institution. Brexit has polarised views however, we must ensure that we are tolerant and respectful of each other’s opinions.

Although, as I write this, the UK’s exit from the EU is still uncertain, our Brexit working group, made up of representatives from across the College and the Students’ Union have been working to ensure we are as prepared as possible, whatever the outcome of the negotiations. Our EU Hub on the student intranet offers travel advice, details of the EU settlement scheme and links to guidance issued by the government. We will continue to provide updates over the next few weeks.


Professor Paul Layzell