Mar 04 2019

This Thursday, 7 March, marks University Mental Health Day – a national campaign that promotes the mental health of people who live, work and study in universities. In support of the campaign, across the College, teams are running a variety of free events for students and staff including; an exam stress seminar, free sport sessions and a seminar on brain training and motivation with a life coach. In advance of the day itself on Wednesday 6 March, Caravan Theatre will perform a ten-minute play ‘The time of your life’, which tackles mental health at university, outside the Davison Building.

Also on Thursday, the Student Advisory and Wellbeing team are organising a Health and Wellbeing Roadshow in the Event Space in the Davison Building and at various locations on campus. At these you can find out what support is available to students and take part in activities such as a yoga class, mandala colouring and have a session with a complementary massage therapist.

Here at Royal Holloway, we have many spaces on campus for exercise, reflection, socialising and spiritual renewal. One of the spaces used by students is Founder’s Meadow which is used for games throughout the year and, in summer term, for post exam celebrations. It's also used as a meeting point for events organised by societies, such as the Humans vs Zombies Society.

Last week I, along with some of you, attended a dedication event in memory of Computer Science student and a member of the Humans vs Zombies Society, Callum Griffiths, who passed away last year. A bench has been built under the beech trees in the Meadow as a lasting memorial to Callum and I hope that it will benefit students into the future.

We try hard to provide a supportive community here at the College. If you are experiencing challenges that are affecting your personal health and wellbeing, I encourage you to seek help and advice. It is also important that we look out for each other. If you are concerned about the health and wellbeing of an individual in our community, please contact the Wellbeing team who will be able to contact them in confidence.


Professor Paul Layzell