Here at Royal Holloway we're always marking and celebrating something whether it's Sports Week, Explore Your Archives, Raise and Give (RAG) or Volunteering Week meaning there's always something you can get involved with.

This week, it's UV Week which started on Monday 14 November and carries on until Sunday 20 November. So there's still time to give it a glow at one of our free events!

Have you ever wanted to try spinning, clubbercise or hockey before? Well now you can and the best part is that all these events take place in the dark this week! Apart from all the glow sticks of course.

This sport and fitness festival always has something for everyone. For those of you who want to try something a bit more relaxed, we have Gloga (yes that's right yoga in the dark with glow sticks and UV lighting) and UV pool.

View our calendar of events  (all UV events are in green) to see how you can get involved or follow the hashtag #GiveItAGlow on Twitter.

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