Communal living, advice and misconduct
Frequently asked questions regarding communal living below.
We want you to have a good time living in Halls, but there are a few rules and regulations that you need to be aware of.
You can view the Halls discipline and misconduct documents here.
Living in Halls is an exciting experience that comes with attending university. However, it's a new experience that can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult to navigate.
You can view our document on advice for living in Halls here.
A big part of living in Halls is being able to deal with conflicts that may arise amongst you and your flatmates. This is an important part of communal living.
You can view the document on how to resolve conflict in Halls here.
Living in Halls can be a fun experience and it's always ideal to get along with others. Setting some ground rules may go a long way to keeping the peace. Below is a document to help you write up some ground rules that you and your flatmates can stick to in your Halls.
You can view our community bond document here.
Cleaning your flat, kitchens and living spaces are an important part of communal living. It's important everyone sticks to the rota and does their share of tidying and cleaning.
You can view the cleaning rota here.
When the weather starts getting warmer and temperature's rise condensation can build up in rooms. This can have serious impacts on the room you are living in and can lead to damage you may be charged for.
You can view the document for how to control condensation here.
For more information on all things Hall Life you can view our guide to living in Halls here.
All students must ensure they follow the terms and conditions of their licence to occupy.
To ensure that you all get the opportunity to know one another and establish your own flat agreement around guests, guests are not allowed during the first few weeks of the Autumn Term. All students, including early arrivals aren't allowed guests until Sunday 1 October 2023. From Monday 2 October 2023 onwards guests are allowed following the student accommodation guest policy guidance below. There will be other times when guests will not be permitted and these will be notified in advance to you. These may be during exam season, Summer Ball and any large University wide event.
These general rules will apply:
- You should speak to your flat mates about having a guest over
- One guest at a time
- Parking is not available
- You are responsible for the behaviour of your guest and they must be supervised at all times. Any breach in your terms and conditions by your guest will be your responsibility. The Hall Life team are empowered to issue sanctions including your suspension from having guests. Where there is a serious breach of the terms and conditions you may be requested to leave halls of residence
- If your guests behaviour has resulted in a complaint from another student and/or their behaviour has raised concerns with university staff ,they are not a resident, the university retains the right to require them to leave the premises and campus immediately and for you to assist in that process
- Overnight stays are permitted for up to three nights at a time over a rolling thirty day period
- If you're in a shared room, unfortunately guests are not permitted due to the very nature of the hall
Students must sign in their guests using this form.
The Security team (or any member of Royal Holloway staff) may require you and your guest to show identification at any time on Campus to ensure the safety of our University Community.